Auto fill between non-adjacent cells


Ken Elder

How can I get Excel to automatically determine what the values should be in
all the cells between two non-adjacent cells?

For example, suppose c1 is 10 and c5 is 50. How can I get Excel to
automatically put 20, 30, and 40 into c2, c3, and c4? (What I really want
to do is far more complex than that example, but you get the idea from it.)

Ken Elder

Dave Peterson

Depends on how complex complex is.

If you select c1 through c5, then Edit|fill|Series...
You can give have it trend (linearly or Growth).

Ken Elder

It worked! Thank you VERY much, Dave!

Dave Peterson said:
Depends on how complex complex is.

If you select c1 through c5, then Edit|fill|Series...
You can give have it trend (linearly or Growth).

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