Auto fill Certain data from Sheet 1 to Sheet 2



I have a workbook with 8 worksheets. I have a "main summary" page that I have
manually input data. What I would like to do next is to "auto" fill in data
from "main summary" to other worksheets. For example I have a cell with the
text "Egypt" in J3, I would like all information of that row be filled into
sheet 2 which has headings. I have the same "format" on each worksheet and
I would like to set up each worksheet to fill in text with the same text from
sheet 1 to the sheet it needs to go to?

1. Sheet one which is is the Main sheet where all jobs are taken and
altered if need be. None of the jobs should be altered in any of the other
Spread Sheets to avoid any loss of data or wrong data occurring because
changes are not complete on all relevant sheets.

2. All relevant data should be transferred to the Principal Driver (Owner
of the Client Account) by indentifying the Principal driver ID on Sheet One
Colum K.

3. All Relevant data should be transferred from Sheet one to Principal
Driver (Driver driving the job) by Indentifying the driver by his Driver ID
in Colum O
I am not sure if we can display an excel sheet here so that it can be worked
on if there is some other idea that some one can help then plz let me

I hope that there might be someone who could help write some code for all
this to work.

Thank you in advance

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