Auto-Fill name in Outlook


Tammy Hafen

When I am sending an email I want Outlook to auto-fill the
name in the to: box.
I know I have done this before but can't remember where in
the configuration I can set it.

Can you help?


Cherry Qian

Hi Tammy,

Thank you for the posting.

AutoComplete Addressing is a feather in Outlook. As an e-mail address,
e-mail alias, or as an entered name, Outlook offers to complete the
address, alias, or names, based on addresses, aliases, or names that e-mail
messages that you have previously sent to.

This is enabled by default, and you can disable or reenable it by clicking
Options on the Tools menu, clicking E-mail Options on the Preferences
tab, and then clicking Advanced E-mail Options.

Hope the above information and suggestion helps and answers your question.
If anything is unclear, please let me know.


Cherry Qian
MCSE2000, MCSA2000, MCDBA2000
Microsoft Partner Online Support

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