


I am wanting to auto fill cells on the 2nd sheet of a spreadsheet with the
information typed into the first sheet. The problem is, I need every 12th
cell in column 'b' on the first sheet to transfer into the second sheet in
cells A1, A2, A3 etc... when I select the first three cells with the
=(select cell) then enter, I then use the aut-fill 'drag' feature.. and it
doesn't stick to every 12th cell. Its not recognizing the pattern.....
HELP!!! It will take me days to individually select each cell to copy into
the second sheet.....

Gord Dibben

In Sheet2 A1 enter =Sheet1!A1

In Sheet2 A2 enter =OFFSET(Sheet1!$A$1,12*ROW(A1),)

Copy A2 down as far as you need.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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