Auto fill



I have two fields from the same table:
1. No side effect (Check box:yes/no)
2. Side Effect Description (drop down box)

I want 'Side Effect Description' to default to 'N/A' if 'No side effect is
checked'. Below is the code I am using in the got focus event:
Private Sub Tumor_Description_GotFocus()
If Me.[No Side effect] = True Then
Me.[Side Effect Description]='N/A'
End If

End Sub

However, I get an error message when I use this code. What am I doing wrong?



What is the error message you are getting?
What is the recordsource for the combobox, a valuelist with two options? The
'N/A' option should be one of the options you can choose from in the combo.
If it is try adding double quotes around the instead of single qoutes like


The Error message says:
Invalid procedure call or arguement.

The combobox is from a value list with three options, one of which is N/A. I
tried putting N/A in double quotes, however, i still get the error message.

Is there something else that could be wrong?

Is it correct is use '=True' for a check box?

Thank you,

Maurice said:
What is the error message you are getting?
What is the recordsource for the combobox, a valuelist with two options? The
'N/A' option should be one of the options you can choose from in the combo.
If it is try adding double quotes around the instead of single qoutes like
Maurice Ausum

Radhika said:
I have two fields from the same table:
1. No side effect (Check box:yes/no)
2. Side Effect Description (drop down box)

I want 'Side Effect Description' to default to 'N/A' if 'No side effect is
checked'. Below is the code I am using in the got focus event:
Private Sub Tumor_Description_GotFocus()
If Me.[No Side effect] = True Then
Me.[Side Effect Description]='N/A'
End If

End Sub

However, I get an error message when I use this code. What am I doing wrong?



That's strange. I tried what you have and got it to work. See if I did this

1. checkbox datatype yes/no
2. combobox ; valuelist with three options : option1,N/A,option3
3. textbox1

in the code editor I placed the following line of code;

private sub textbox1_gotFocus
if me.checkbox then '- you can ommit the = true
end if

This works for me. Are you sure the fieldname is correctly spelled and that
the combobox is set to valuelist and not list of fields?

end sub

Maurice Ausum

Radhika said:
The Error message says:
Invalid procedure call or arguement.

The combobox is from a value list with three options, one of which is N/A. I
tried putting N/A in double quotes, however, i still get the error message.

Is there something else that could be wrong?

Is it correct is use '=True' for a check box?

Thank you,

Maurice said:
What is the error message you are getting?
What is the recordsource for the combobox, a valuelist with two options? The
'N/A' option should be one of the options you can choose from in the combo.
If it is try adding double quotes around the instead of single qoutes like
Maurice Ausum

Radhika said:
I have two fields from the same table:
1. No side effect (Check box:yes/no)
2. Side Effect Description (drop down box)

I want 'Side Effect Description' to default to 'N/A' if 'No side effect is
checked'. Below is the code I am using in the got focus event:
Private Sub Tumor_Description_GotFocus()
If Me.[No Side effect] = True Then
Me.[Side Effect Description]='N/A'
End If

End Sub

However, I get an error message when I use this code. What am I doing wrong?


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