Auto Filter Like Results



If this isn't to clear please let me know and I'll try to
explain better. I have posted this before but nothing
The following information is on worksheet 1
Cell G4 Cell H4
Longest Lead Time 16

The following information is on worksheet2 (columns D & V)
Column I is on worksheet1

Column D V I (these results go on W/S1 column I)
Part Delivery Longest Delivery
123 16 123
456 10 789
789 16 223
123 8
321 9
223 16
123 stk

The results I need (columnI) look like those you can get
by using Auto Filter and selecting "16" but how would I
get those over to worksheet1 without manually copying and
pasteing? My spreadsheet has many other formulas and I'm
trying to make this portion automatic also. I need to be
able to use the value in cell "H4" (16) from worksheet1
to lookup the data in cells V2:V8 from worksheet2, then
have the formula enter the corresponding part numbers
which are in cells D2:D8 (formula will be on W/S1).

I have tried =LOOKUP(LEFT(TRIM (H4),2),'Priced BOM
Summary Page'!V3:V82,'Priced BOM'!D3:D82) and =MATCH(LEFT
(TRIM(H4),2),'Priced BOM'!V3:V82,0) but have errors. Can
this be done. I know it can be with AutoFilter but then
how do I get those results entered onto worksheet1 .


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