Auto format



I import data in an access table everyday. is there a way that some
data can be automatically formatted? the field is text?


Nikos Yannacopoulos


The only possible answer to so generic a question is... possibly. You need
to be more specific as to where from and how you import, what your imported
data looks like and what you want to do with it.



I am importing data from excel.

The data includes numbers for x, and numbers for y. I need to add
and y together once they are in access. can this be done in a table
or do i need to do it in a query? if so, how?

Thanks - let me know if you want more specifics.


Nikos Yannacopoulos


The first thing to do is to use the Excel sheet as a linked table (File >Get
External Data > Link Table).
Then you make a query on it where you can read the values for x and y, as
well as add the two in a caclulated field.
You can then make this query an append or update one (Query > ...., depends
on what you want to do) to store the information in a table, if required
(under certain conditions it may not).
Wheter you store the x's and y's separately or just the sum, depends on what
data you'll need to recall!


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