Auto-insert newest note at TOP of a ON 2007 section's note-tab lis


Tablet Convert

Am anxious to have a new note in a section auto-place itself at the top of
list of tabs, rather than at the bottom (as is the default).

Is very important to me--especially when I move notes into a section. For
example, I currently have a section in which I generate a new note for every
phone call record...and then, after phone-log info is completed, move this
note into the dedcated section for the respective contact's
phone-conversation memos I had made.

Accordingly, when I next speak to this contact, would be much easier for me
to click on the top (most recent!) note, than to scroll down to the bottom of
the tab-list to retrieve such note (re: checking the contact of what had been
our last conversation).

Bottom line, just like in Outlook where newest emails are at the top of the
list after clicking 'retrieve,' I do need to have, in certain ON sections,
such 'newest' on top in a similar manner.

I do know that I can move the newest note (currently at bottom) to the top
by selecting and mousing it up, but that's very time consuming---plus, in
sections where the note list takes up multiple screens of scrolling, is very
awkward to always do.

And if there isn't an option to 'insetrt newest on top' as a default option
for the particular notebook, or particular section, or for ON in general
(which there doesn't seem to be, unless I somehow missed it), then would of
course be okay if there were some type of 'sort by ascending/descending date
selection' command or toolbar button which would alternatively enable such
view via a single 'click' (as an efficient workaround alternative to having
such preferred view be preset by default).



I know this isn't exactly what you want but should save you a bit of time
until ON has the feature you need.

Rather than dragging a page from bottom all the way to top, just use cut and

Select the page, cut it to the clipboard, select the first page and paste.
The page you "moved" will now be the second one but at least it'll be faster
to move it one place than it will be to move it from the bottom to the top.

Tablet Convert

Great idea. Thanks Michael H. Though it's a cumbersome work-around, it IS an
'effective' work-around. Much better than the alternative.

Of course, was disappointed from your implication that what I was
specifically looking for is NOT an avialable option in ON 2007(which is what
I had suspected, but had hoped to have been proven-wrong via my post). But
who knows...until the MS folk do add that option (and they certainly did a
stellar job w/ the improvements they DID add in ON 2007 over what had been
there in ON 2003), perhpas someone else on this forum may point-out an
equally-great alternative as that which you were so kind to take the time to
suggest. And for whih am MOST appreciative. Thanks again!

Rainald Taesler

Tablet Convert shared these words of wisdom:
But who knows...until the MS folk do add that option (and
they certainly did a stellar job w/ the improvements they DID add in
ON 2007 over what had been there in ON 2003), perhpas someone else
on this forum may point-out an equally-great alternative as that
which you were so kind to take the time to suggest. And for whih am
MOST appreciative. Thanks again!

IMHO this issue would be a great idea for a new PowerToy.
At present I have "SortPages" and "Table of contents" installed.
The first one sorts pages in alphabetical order. The other one creates
a TOC with hyperlinks to the pages of a section in descending
chronological order.
So I assume that it would not require rocket-science for creating a
tool sorting pages in chronological order.

Unfortunately I know nothing on how to program such kind of toy
<siiiigh> as I have given up programming quite a while ago :-( :-(


John Guin

Sort Pages doesn't support sorting chronologically?

Hmm... Let me see if there is anything I can do.

(As an aside, I once sorted the pages of a shared notebook in chronological
order with newest on top. I almost got lynched by the team who was used to
the order being newest at the bottom - I honestly don't remember how I did
the sort, though).

John Guin

Rainald Taesler

John Guin shared these words of wisdom:
Sort Pages doesn't support sorting chronologically?

No, it does not. Only alphabetically
Hmm... Let me see if there is anything I can do.

This would be really nice.
If doing so, might you take care of using an *icon* for the task bar
instead of text?
As nice as the tools are (I'm really most thankful for them) "Copy to
device" and "Table of contents" block ways too much space in the
IconBar, especially when using my TabletPC in portrait mode :-( :-(
(As an aside, I once sorted the pages of a shared notebook in
chronological order with newest on top. I almost got lynched by the
team who was used to the order being newest at the bottom

Easy to imagine


John Guin

Good point. Here's some workarounds for you to shrink the buttons:
1. Search the registry for "Copy to Device" and "table of content" (easier
than me typing the path). The text should exist in a key named "Button Text"
Change the "Copy to device" to "cd" or whatever string you want to save

2. You can delete the key from step 1 and replace it with a key to point to
an icon file (without needing a compiler, source code, etc...). Full
directions are at to Create a OneNote Toolbar Addin.pdf.
Here's the shortcut - which I have not tested, so back up the registry keys
first -
a. delete the key from step 1
b. add a new registry key named IconPath, string type
c. make its value the path to a BMP file you want to use (16x16, IIRC)
d. start OneNote

YOu should have the icon instead of the text.

FWIW, the reason I did not go with icons are
1. I am not a good (or even adequate) designer of any graphics
2. After installing about 6 different addins, all the icons started to "blur
together" to me

Luckily, it is possible to make these changes after install.

Sorry for the funky UI,

Tablet Convert

(alphabetical) Thank you Rainald and John:

[1] Have not installed any of the Power Tows as yet, but certainly will
Rainald, inasmuch as having the option for expanded functionality is always

[2] Am encouraged John by your phrase "Hmm... Let me see if there is
anything I can do." Suggests there's hope. Augmented by your sharing of the
fact that, indeed, once you had somehow been successful re: this. And, if
indeed, the functionality can be employed via some tweak to the current SORT
add-in, needless to say, will add in the 'add-in' immediately. Because though
Michael H's workaround that he suggested IS helpful, it still forces one,
when dropping and dragging a note into another section, to actually wait
until that section 'opens' (and then do the internal tab dragging)
additionally, if goal had been to remain in original section, to then go BACK
to such original section. Bottom line, this effective 'cut & paste'
workaround is a lot of steps (although certainly better than dragging from
very bottom to very top as I had been doing....whereas one would think that,
like in Outlook w/ emails, there should (and could) easily be an
ascending/descending option available--either by default, or 'as needed.'

Thanks again guys. Am looking forward to good news, I hope!

Erik Sojka (MVP)

Michael's suggestion is probably the best workaround at this point.

Keep in mind that while many improvements have been made between ON2003 and
ON2007, the basic metaphor (that of a paper notebook) from ON2003 remains,
and drives some of the default and/or unchangeable behavior of the product.
You can't insert pages or change the order of a legal pad, and by
necessity, all new entries are placed at the "bottom" of that legal pad.
I'm not necessarily fully defending anything here, just trying to explain
some of the product's behavior...


Tablet Convert

Thanks for your observation Erik.

Of course though, I'd rather think of the paraidgm at play being more along
the lines of 'loose leaf binders' amongst which pages can be exchanged and
respectively placed in particular locale w/in a binder (or w/in any
subsection of such binder). Which indeed is more the way that ON seems to
function than via 'fixed pads' per se. Notwithstanding of course that upon
INITIAL page creation, there is of course inherent logic in its default
placement at the 'bottom' of the stack--in the same manner that in WORD a
succeeding page likewise is placed after the preceding one. (And, in
BOTHcases, user of course has options to adjust respective note/page
sequences). Diff w/ ON is of course that BECAUSE a 'note' is really a 'File'
AND because latter IS designated w/ a separate 'title,' that it wouldn't be
too complex to have avaialable a descending/ascending option (or toolbar icon
to modify any earlier default setting)...and perhaps a separate option
exclusively w/ regard to ascending/descending placement upon the 'moving' of
an already existent nte/file to a different 'stack.' Of course, via
'workarounds' and or simple note-moving functionality, the ultimate objective
is easily enough enabled. However, I do suspect that many ON users might
indeed value an option w/ would enable an auto-placement of 'most recent
FIRST.' Am hoping that John Guin might indeed end up recalling how he had
invariably accomplished that 'accidental' ON TOP placement....until of
course, the fine day when such permanent option IS worked into the
extraordinary app that ON 2007 undoubtedly is!

Thanks again!

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