Auto Load Info & Auto Compute - version 2007


Lee Ann

Two questions:

I have a table where I am capturing an employee's name and their employee ID
number. A number of these employees will be entered numerous times. Is
there a way for their information to load automatically when I start typing
their last name?


In this same table, I have a field to capture the number of overtime hours
they incur, as well as their rate of pay. I want to have another field which
will automatically calculate and enter this amount.

I'm sure both of these questions have very simple fixes, however I don't
know if I'm trying to make them work in the wrong Access object or what.

Thanks in advance.


I would use two tables with form/subform for employee/work hours.
Employee table like this --
EmpID - autonumber - primary key
FName -
LName -
Hire - DateTime
Wage - number - decimal
OT - number - decimal
Rmks - memo
InActive - Yes/No - default No

The work hours table to have EmpID and the other fields needed for data
entery. Do not include calculated fields as those belong in output queries,
forms, or reports.

Set one-to-many relationship between employee and work hours table with
Referential Integerity and Cascade Update selected.

Use EmpID as Master/Child link between form(employee)/subform(work hours).

For data entry you scroll to employee (query for employee have criteria so
InActive employees not show). Then in subform for work hours enter the
information (WorkDate, Hours, Type {default to Regular, pick OT as needed},
etc.) and the EmpID is automatically entered for you.

Lee Ann

Thank you for your response. There are just a couple things that look above
my level, but I'm hoping once I actually do it I can figure it out.

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