Auto-lookup values between Sheet3 & UserForm & paste to Sheet1



Hi again,
Sorry to repost this, but in the absence of any respose, I assume that older
posts are largely ignored.
I would greatly appreciate any advice on how to achieve the following:

1. I have an Excel template that has all Australian Postcode infro stored
in "Sheet3"
2. This template also has a UserForm "frmParent" that asks for user input.
3. When all user input is completed, it will be stored in "Sheet1"
4. 2 of the fields asked for are "txtParentSuburb" and "txtParentPostcode"
5. I would like to be able to dynamically lookup in "Sheet3" either:
5a. The correct Postcode for an entered Suburb, ot
5b. The correct Suburb name for an entered Postcode
5c. And then transfer the correct info back to the UserForm

I guess my biggest problem lies in the fact that each Suburb can have
multiple Postcodes, due to the sub-area distribution of Austraila Post
delivery areas .

Any ideas or advice is greatly appreciated

Kind regards


Hi Jim,
I am an absolute beginner, so I appologise in advance, but I cannot find
anything "attached".

As for the Australian Post Codes (Zip Codes) I really only mentioned them to
give clarity to the underlying question of how to deal with multiple codes
for a single suburb.


Jim Rech

but I cannot find anything "attached".

Hmmm. Well, it's right "there". You sure you don't see a paper clip or
some indication of a download in my message? Where/how an attachment is
indicated depends on the interface you use to access these newsgroups. I
use Outlook Express and it uses a paper clip.

If you send me you email address I can send the file directly to you. I
assume you'll be able to download it from an email message.

Jim Rech
Excel MVP
| Hi Jim,
| I am an absolute beginner, so I appologise in advance, but I cannot find
| anything "attached".
| As for the Australian Post Codes (Zip Codes) I really only mentioned them
| give clarity to the underlying question of how to deal with multiple codes
| for a single suburb.
| Cheers
| duBe
| "Jim Rech" wrote:
| > Well, if your question is how do you do a lookup dynamically and place
| > result on a userform you could look at the attached. The part about the
| > subtleties of the Australian post codes system will have to wait until I
| > visit there in 2010 to research this issue further.<g>
| >
| > --
| > Jim Rech
| > Excel MVP

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