Auto Notification when excel file is updated



Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) Processor: Intel We have a Excel which is saved to a network drive and used by multiple users. What I need is when somebody updates the excel sheet or puts any value or comments on the sheet, it will notify or auto mail an email group that the excel sheet is updated.

Bob Greenblatt

Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) Processor: Intel We have
a Excel which is saved to a network drive and used by multiple users. What I
need is when somebody updates the excel sheet or puts any value or comments on
the sheet, it will notify or auto mail an email group that the excel sheet is
If you are using a shared workbook, then the updates are incorporated each
time the workbook is saved. If you need notifications, than that will have
to be done by code running on the server. VBA will not work with Office
2008, so I do not think what you want is possible with the current version,
unless that facility is built into the file server you are using.


I have 2 suggestions:

1. use an applescript to monitor the file status and fire off the email when a change to the get info 'modified date' is detected. Check out this post at macscripter:

2. create an Automator script (or Applescript) for the Excel Script menu that the user activates before closing/quitting/saving the document. It's likely that you could even incorporate into the script the saving or quitting or closing of the document in effect not creating another step for the user.


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