Auto Number in table



Hi all..

For some reason my auto number fieild in my client table
is reusing numbers. I cant enter any new clients becuase
it says it is causing a duplicate number....i cant have
the autonumber be duplicated becuase it is the primary
key and the identifier of each client, so it makes sense
that it wont let me save a record, but why would the auto
number field automatically be duplicating numbers, and
how can I fix it?


Allen Browne

Yes, there was a bug in JET that was fixed a couple of service packs ago.

Copy the code from this article:
Fixing AutoNumbers when Access assigns negatives or duplicates
It checks through all your tables, locates the column with the AutoIncrement
property, reads the highest number used so far, and resets the Seed if

To prevent the problem recurring, go to, the
Downloads section, and get SP8 for JET 4.

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