Auto Number



I have a table that has a column of numbers. The first cell in the column
starts with 0800. In the cells below that I want the numbers to run in
sequence. ex: 0801, 0802, 0803, etc. Is there a way of just typing 0800 in
the first cell and placing a formula in the cells below so the numbers auto
populate? Or something similiar to the fill handle in Excel.

Thank you


How can I apply numbering? Do you mean like bullet points? These numbers
are in tables. Don't you have to hit the enter key in this case in order for
the number to advance to the next number?
Thank you, Karen


Enter the following field in the first row
{ SEQ MySeq r\ 0800 \# 0###}

Paste the following field in the subsequent rows

{ SEQ MySeq \# 0###}

The field code delimiters { } are entered with CTRL+F9

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Select the column and apply numbering via Format | Bullets and Numbering.
Set the starting number to 800.

Tony Jollans

The simplest way - leave the column blank, select it, and click on the
numbering button - yes just like bullets - and then format the numbers to
start at what you want - once set it will be automatically included on added
rows. Of course, using a proper numbered style would be a lot better.


Thank you for your help - Are these the step-by-step instructions?

I press CTRL+F9 to enter the field code delimiters
Type SEQ MySeq r\ 0800 \# 0### in between the braces
Paste { SEQ MySeq \# 0###} in the subsequent rows
Then what do I do?


Thank you - I just did what you suggested and it works, although I need the
two leading zeros in front of the numbers. Example: 00843, 00844, etc.
In the "Customize Numbered List" when I enter "00843" to start at that
number, it removes the leading zeros.


Thank you - I just did what you suggested and it works, although I need the
two leading zeros in front of the numbers. Example: 00843, 00844, etc.
In the "Customize Numbered List" when I enter "00843" to start at that
number, it removes the leading zeros.

Tony Jollans

Sorry, Karen, but I don't believe that's possible. You'll need to define a
custom number sequence field for that.

Charles Kenyon

To keep the leading zeros, try formatting the field using a picture. \#
Look in help for "Numeric Picture field switch.
Charles Kenyon

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