Insert all of your projects into another project to create unique ids for
each project. The IDs will be unique only to the project that you inserted
them into, so you will need to keep the consolidated schedule for the next
project you have. To get the Master project's unique ID into the number1
field for each task in each subproject, run the macro below. The macro
assumes that you keep all projects in the same folder. After you verify that
your mod to the macro works the way you want, you probably want to close each
subproject after you set the value. I didn't understand what you meant by
range plus 1, so you'll have to figure that out.
Sub ProjectNumber()
Dim MyProjectNumber
For Each myproject In ActiveProject.Subprojects
SourceSchedule = ActiveProject.Path & "\" &
myproject.SourceProject.Project & ".mpp"
MyProjectNumber = myproject.InsertedProjectSummary.UniqueID
Application.FileOpen Name:=SourceSchedule,
ignoreReadOnlyRecommended:=True 'The file needs to be opened to make the
macro run faster, but you could step through each task in each project, it
will probably take a long time if you do
SetTaskField Field:="Number1", Value:=MyProjectNumber, Allselectedtasks:=True
Next myproject
End Sub