I intended to use whole 65536 rows in a spreadsheet for data keeping, Column
A & column B as record number.
When new record input, A+1 & B=1, when old record retrieves, A=original
number & B+1, which means numbers are duplicated. Example:
Column A Column B
1 (new record) 1
1 2 (record changed =1+1)
1 3 (record changed =2+1)
2 (new record =1+1) 1
2 2 (record changed =1+1)
3 (new record =2+1) 1
4 (new record =3+1)
I used array-frequency to auto-number new data entry in cell A1 to get the
number and copy-past special to put it in the next empty cell in column A, it
works but process time is too long, is there any way I can shorten the
process time?
Range("A1").FormulaArray = _
IF(LEN(A2:A65536)>0,MATCH(A2:A65536,A2:A65536,0),""""))>0,1))+1&"".1"",""Input Order Number"")"
Tks in advance.
A & column B as record number.
When new record input, A+1 & B=1, when old record retrieves, A=original
number & B+1, which means numbers are duplicated. Example:
Column A Column B
1 (new record) 1
1 2 (record changed =1+1)
1 3 (record changed =2+1)
2 (new record =1+1) 1
2 2 (record changed =1+1)
3 (new record =2+1) 1
4 (new record =3+1)
I used array-frequency to auto-number new data entry in cell A1 to get the
number and copy-past special to put it in the next empty cell in column A, it
works but process time is too long, is there any way I can shorten the
process time?
Range("A1").FormulaArray = _
IF(LEN(A2:A65536)>0,MATCH(A2:A65536,A2:A65536,0),""""))>0,1))+1&"".1"",""Input Order Number"")"
Tks in advance.