Lori said:
Why would the auto number feature change from incremental to random
when no
one else has access to the tables but me. ALL of my ID fields have
and I didn't change them???
Do you mean the field type (in table design) is changed from Auto Number
to Number or do you mean the fields is still Auto number but the values
are not in sequence?
If you sort on a field, your auto number values will be out of order.
If you delete records, your auto number values will have gaps in them.
One way to restore sequential auto-numbering is to copy the table
(structure only) to a new table. Then copy all records from the old
table by selecting all fields except the Auto Number field (click on
field name to right of auto number field, hold shift, and click on last
field name). Then hit Ctl-C (copy). Minimize the table, and open the new
empty table. Again select all but the auto number fields and hit Ctl-V
Your original table records should be pasted in with new, sequential,