Auto Numbering


Bob Line

Hi, every time I add a new record I get a new reference number by using
Access Auto Numbering which is what I need and use.

Now what I need to do is if my claim field policy number starts with "TTR"
then I need to add an additional reference number to my POC field
automatically, is this possible? The POC field numbers come in batches of
500 so I must be able to update the start number from time to time.

Any help or idea's would be much appreciated.


Pavel Romashkin

Is POC the Autonumber field? If yes, then you can not do this and need
to change the design. Autonumber fields should not contain information
intended for a human user.
If POC is not an autonumber field, you can set it to anything you'd like
in your form. I would use the AfterUpdate event of your
ClaimPolicyNumber field to check if the policy name starts with "TTR",
and then insert the proper POC number.
I would recommend recording batches of POC as you receive them into a
separate table from which you can check them out as you need. You can do
that either by adding 500 records to a table and using a "isUsed" field
to check the used number, or you can denormalize it and simply record
the last available number, if they are sequantial.

Hope this helps,

John Vinson

Hi, every time I add a new record I get a new reference number by using
Access Auto Numbering which is what I need and use.

You should NOT use autonumbering for any number that people will see.
Autonumbers have one purpose ONLY: to provide an almost-guaranteed
unique key. They will always have gaps and you cannot easily control
the values you get.
Now what I need to do is if my claim field policy number starts with "TTR"

If it's always TTR, then don't store the TTR at all - introduce it
with a Format expression.
then I need to add an additional reference number to my POC field
automatically, is this possible? The POC field numbers come in batches of
500 so I must be able to update the start number from time to time.

Since I have no idea what a POC number might be, nor what you mean by
"update the start number from time to time" I can't advise.
Any help or idea's would be much appreciated.

Use a Long Integer field and maintain it in VBA code rather than
attempting to use an Autonumber for either of these fields.

Bob Line

John you say maintain in using VBA how do I do it? sorry but I need a lot
more help than that.

Thanks Bob

Bas Cost Budde

Bob said:
John you say maintain in using VBA how do I do it? sorry but I need a lot
more help than that.
For one thing, Access cannot do much with values in tables. The general
solution in Access consists of these steps:

1) Edit, and mostly insert, records through forms. Always. Never
directly in the table (unless you know how to fiddle around of course--I
mean don't let your users)
2) In the BeforeUpdate event of the form, find the new number and assign
it to the field

Now 2 can be broken down to

* open the form in design mode
* view the property sheet (from the menu View:properties, for example)
* select the Events tab
* at BeforeInsert, choose [Event Procedure] from the list. AutoComplete
helps: typing the '[' is enough
* click the three dot button (it's called Build, I believe). You arrive
in the code module for the form
* type this between Sub...End Sub:
me!yourfieldname = nz(dmax("yourfieldname","yourtablename),0)+1

This works for an all-numerical field.
-> if you want to have a sequence number inside a compound primary key,
include a third parameter in the DMax() see Help
-> if you have a composite 'number' where only the numerical portion
should increase, you need more elaborate measures - or a redesign, it is
not wise to store non-atomic values in one field.


Wouldn't this up date the field every time the form was opened? I only want
to up date the field if a certain criteria is meet in a policy field. If
this criteria is meet then it would up date the field to the next number. I
believe that you have to have a table with the numbers in and it adds a
number each time it opens. But how do I code it?

Thanks Bob
Bas Cost Budde said:
Bob said:
John you say maintain in using VBA how do I do it? sorry but I need a lot
more help than that.
For one thing, Access cannot do much with values in tables. The general
solution in Access consists of these steps:

1) Edit, and mostly insert, records through forms. Always. Never
directly in the table (unless you know how to fiddle around of course--I
mean don't let your users)
2) In the BeforeUpdate event of the form, find the new number and assign
it to the field

Now 2 can be broken down to

* open the form in design mode
* view the property sheet (from the menu View:properties, for example)
* select the Events tab
* at BeforeInsert, choose [Event Procedure] from the list. AutoComplete
helps: typing the '[' is enough
* click the three dot button (it's called Build, I believe). You arrive
in the code module for the form
* type this between Sub...End Sub:
me!yourfieldname = nz(dmax("yourfieldname","yourtablename),0)+1

This works for an all-numerical field.
-> if you want to have a sequence number inside a compound primary key,
include a third parameter in the DMax() see Help
-> if you have a composite 'number' where only the numerical portion
should increase, you need more elaborate measures - or a redesign, it is
not wise to store non-atomic values in one field.

Bas Cost Budde

dbl said:
Wouldn't this update the field every time the form was opened?

No; only when you add a new record.
I only want to update the field if a certain criteria is met in a policy field. If
this criteria is met then it would update the field to the next number.

You mean *change* the field? I thought you were asking this for addition
of a *new* record.
believe that you have to have a table with the numbers in and it adds a
number each time it opens. But how do I code it?

You can have a table with the next free number, that is a very good
multi user approach, but still concerns insertion, not update.

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