Auto open an .xls, refrsh data and close???



I have an Excel spreadsheet that gets external data from an ODBC data
source. I also have ANOTHER process that actually queries this Excel
spreadsheet via ODBC because this other application cannot directly
access the ODBC DSN that the Excel spreadsheet is attached to. (Don't
ask) :)

OK, SO, Is there a way (scheduled task maybe) to have an automated
process that will 1) Open the Excel spreadsheet 2) Refresh the Data 3)
Close the spreadsheet but only after it is done refreshing the data?

I know that I can also set up the spreadsheet to automatically refresh
the data every time it is opened, so I can do that. If I do that, then
I guess I just need a way to auto open the file and then wait x amount
of seconds or minutes while the data refreshes (in this case can be
anywhere from 10 to 30 seconds or so and then close the file. That way
when my OTHER application goes to query the spreadsheet, it will have
the latest data.



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