I have 2 workbooks, book one has no macro's just a hyperlink to workbook 2.
When workbook 2 opens, I'd like it to minimize and open UserForm1.
The only button (at this time) on the form is a cancel button that sets the
focus back on workbook1 and then closes workbook2.
The code I have below works as long as I do NOT "Auto Open" the UserForm1.
If I auto open the form using module code or Workbook_Open (below)
then when workbook2 closes, the hyperlink in Workbook1 does NOT work.
Can someone tell me how automatically open a form in workbook 2 then
properly exit the form and workbook so that the hyperlink in workbook1 will
still work with out having to exit Excel?
Code from workbook2 "This Workbook" section:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Windows("Workbook2.xls").WindowState = xlMinimized
Load UserForm1
End Sub
UserForm1 "Cancel" button Code as follows:
Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
End Sub
When workbook 2 opens, I'd like it to minimize and open UserForm1.
The only button (at this time) on the form is a cancel button that sets the
focus back on workbook1 and then closes workbook2.
The code I have below works as long as I do NOT "Auto Open" the UserForm1.
If I auto open the form using module code or Workbook_Open (below)
then when workbook2 closes, the hyperlink in Workbook1 does NOT work.
Can someone tell me how automatically open a form in workbook 2 then
properly exit the form and workbook so that the hyperlink in workbook1 will
still work with out having to exit Excel?
Code from workbook2 "This Workbook" section:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Windows("Workbook2.xls").WindowState = xlMinimized
Load UserForm1
End Sub
UserForm1 "Cancel" button Code as follows:
Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
End Sub