Auto-playing media files like midi in Outlook email



Hi fellas,

Yesterday I got an email that has a midi file playing without any Windows
Media Player operation. I try to look for the midi attachment but it seems
"invisible" and I can't find it.

Any suggestions on how to detect such files and also create such emails with
Midi sound files playing automatically everytime you opened the message?



My guess is that you have your email program (Outlook I suppose though
you do not mention it by name) to read HTML files with embeded objects
(images, etc) and view them in native state, a not to safe practice
because of worms, viruese, etc. If you look at the source, you should
be able to see where the MIDI file is comming from. Browsers will play
MIDI files for the most part without any help.

Hope that helps

Bob M.

Roady [MVP]

Safety is not a concern here; Outlook doesn't allow code execution in the
Reading Pane and Outlook 2003 doesn't even allow automatic content download
from the Internet.

You can indeed look at the source where the sound is coming from. To create
such e-mails yourself see;

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-FREE tool; QuickMail. Create new Outlook items anywhere from within Windows
-Properly back-up and restore your Outlook data

My guess is that you have your email program (Outlook I suppose though
you do not mention it by name) to read HTML files with embeded objects
(images, etc) and view them in native state, a not to safe practice
because of worms, viruese, etc. If you look at the source, you should
be able to see where the MIDI file is comming from. Browsers will play
MIDI files for the most part without any help.

Hope that helps

Bob M.


Hi Roady,

Thanks a lot for for your reply. But it seems that I can't view the source.
Could you tell me the steps to view the source? At the view command, there is
a command for "View in Internet Zone" but there is no file or whatsoever
attached to it


Roady [MVP]

Rightclick in the message-> View Source

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-FREE tool; QuickMail. Create new Outlook items anywhere from within Windows
-Properly back-up and restore your Outlook data

Hi Roady,

Thanks a lot for for your reply. But it seems that I can't view the source.
Could you tell me the steps to view the source? At the view command, there
a command for "View in Internet Zone" but there is no file or whatsoever
attached to it


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