Auto populate cell with info on other cell (Sheet)




I have a spreadsheet were I keep account info. Each account has a status on
sheet 2. Each time I work on these accounts I enter a dexcription on the
status colum to help me organize the status of the account. On sheet 1 cell D
I have the same column. Each week I get a report with updated accounts that I
add to my existing spreadsheet. I copy the new loans in sheet 1 column A.
Since most of these loans are repeats from previous weeks I most likely have
a comment on some of those loan in sheet 2. I would like to enter a formula
in sheet 1 column D that would match the account number from column A and
sheet 2 column E loan number. When it finds its match I would like to
formuala to update the cell with the comment that I already enter in sheet 2
column C. This will help me know which loans are new and which loans I
already worked on and know what the status is.

I hope I make sense



I went that route already, but I'm having a hard time putting together a
formula. I don't know how to start it


Well, I couldn't give more detailed and specific help because your
description was a bit vague. Tell me how your data is laid out - the
columns you use, whether you have headers, sheet names etc. It would
also help if you could post some example data, showing what you have
and what you want to achieve.



Ok, On sheet 2 column D I added a Data Validation list. On this list I can
choose what is the current status of the account. I have the account number
on column F.

On sheet 1 I have the same account number on column A and the Validation
list on column D. Each week I update sheet two clumn F with a list of new
accounts and I also add that new list of accounts on sheet 1 column A. I
currently have 563 accounts on sheet 1 and 2 in the same order. Each time I
work on a account I update the status of the account on Column D sheet 2 and
column D sheet 1. Each week I get a new list of loans to add to current list,
but I always get repeated accounts. On the new list I may get at least 50-80
accounts that I already have in my old list. Many of these accounts I already
added an update on sheet 2 column D. I would like to update every account in
Sheet 2 column D the status of the account while it automaticaly updates the
same on sheet 1. I just want to add the new list of accounts to sheet 1 and
if I already have an account from the new list on sheet 2, I want it to
update to what ever I have updated to in sheet 2. One of the main reasons I
want to do this is because I sometime forget to update my account status on
sheet 1.

If you need more detail or examples please let me know.


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