Auto populate date VBA code



Is there a code that allows a date to be entered and succesive dates t

Right now I have a date in B9 and in B10 I have "=B9+1" which is copie
down the column to complete 365 days.

My concern is an inerrant click could delete the formula(s) and disrup
the sequence.

Thanks in advance for the help

Claus Busch


Am Wed, 23 Jan 2013 19:24:31 +0000 schrieb Keyrookie:
Is there a code that allows a date to be entered and succesive dates to

have you tried Start => Edit => Fill => Fill Series => Columns => Linear
=> Step Value = 1 => Stop value = 12/31/2013

Claus Busch

Claus Busch

Hi again,

Am Wed, 23 Jan 2013 20:53:05 +0100 schrieb Claus Busch:
have you tried Start => Edit => Fill => Fill Series => Columns => Linear
=> Step Value = 1 => Stop value = 12/31/2013

sorry, but not Linear. Choose Date

Claus Busch


I copied this code exactly as you have it and inserted a date bu
nothing happened. I then substituted "Linear" for "Choose Date" an
still nothing. Am I missing something

Claus Busch


Am Thu, 24 Jan 2013 14:48:19 +0000 schrieb Keyrookie:
I copied this code exactly as you have it and inserted a date but
nothing happened. I then substituted "Linear" for "Choose Date" and
still nothing. Am I missing something?

that's no code. That is a step by step guidance to do it in Excel.
Enter the start date e.g. in A1 and follow the steps.

Claus Busch

Claus Busch


Am Thu, 24 Jan 2013 14:48:19 +0000 schrieb Keyrookie:
I copied this code exactly as you have it and inserted a date but
nothing happened. I then substituted "Linear" for "Choose Date" and
still nothing. Am I missing something?

if you want to do it with VBA then try (modify to suit):

Sub Test()
Dim StopVal As Long
Dim myYear As Integer

myYear = 2013
StopVal = DateSerial(myYear, 12, 31)
[A1] = DateSerial(myYear, 1, 1)
Range("A1").DataSeries Rowcol:=xlColumns, _
Type:=xlChronological, Date:=xlDay, Step:=1, _
Stop:=StopVal, Trend:=False
End Sub

Claus Busch



Thank you for your help, however I still can't get it to work. I copie
the VBA code you gave and nothing happened. I then tried modification
with no results.

Since the VBA code shows the Range as A1, I entered 2013-1-1 in A
expecting the column to populate with succesive dates. It did no
happen. I then entered data into column B thinking the code neede
adjacent data to activate, yet nothing happened.

Apparantly I'm missing something so could you please guide me, step b
step, through the process?

Am Thu, 24 Jan 2013 14:48:19 +0000 schrieb Keyrookie:
I copied this code exactly as you have it and inserted a date but
nothing happened. I then substituted "Linear" for "Choose Date" and
still nothing. Am I missing something?-

if you want to do it with VBA then try (modify to suit):

Sub Test()
Dim StopVal As Long
Dim myYear As Integer

myYear = 2013
StopVal = DateSerial(myYear, 12, 31)
[A1] = DateSerial(myYear, 1, 1)
Range("A1").DataSeries Rowcol:=xlColumns, _
Type:=xlChronological, Date:=xlDay, Step:=1, _
Stop:=StopVal, Trend:=False
End Sub

Claus Busch

Claus Busch


Am Fri, 25 Jan 2013 14:28:00 +0000 schrieb Keyrookie:
Apparantly I'm missing something so could you please guide me, step by
step, through the process?

in your workbook press Alt+F11. In VBA-Editor choose Insert => Module.
Copy the code into the code module. Back in Excel => View => View
Macros. Choose the macro by name and rund the macro.

Claus Busch

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