Auto populate text fields



On this form I have several TextBox fields for customer contact information,
(i.e. LastName, FirstName, CompanyName, Address, PhoneNo, etc).

When I open a new record to enter customer contact information, Id like the
form to automatically fill in the fields for repeat customers. I just don't
know how.

Any help with this would be greatly appriciated.



probably you shouldn't do it at all. customer information should be stored
only once, and linked to each (order?) record by a foreign key in that
table. suggest you read up on data normalization to make sure that your
tables/relationships structure is sound. for more information, see



Hello Tina,

Although I find your response negative, evasive and not very helpful, I do
appriciate the link you provided.

Thank You


yes, it was absolutely negative, Rick. i never encourage people to use or
continue using poor relational design. the evasive part leaves me stumped; i
thought my answer was pretty straightforward and to the point. as far as
"helpful" goes, perhaps not; you'll be in a better position to judge that
after you've learned the basics of relational design and examined your
database structure in that context. and as for the link, you're welcome. :)


Tina - DROP DEAD - In the Future, DO NOT REPLY !

tina said:
yes, it was absolutely negative, Rick. i never encourage people to use or
continue using poor relational design. the evasive part leaves me stumped; i
thought my answer was pretty straightforward and to the point. as far as
"helpful" goes, perhaps not; you'll be in a better position to judge that
after you've learned the basics of relational design and examined your
database structure in that context. and as for the link, you're welcome. :)

John W. Vinson

Tina - DROP DEAD - In the Future, DO NOT REPLY !

Rick, Tina gave you excellent advice - and got abuse in response.

I've replied (agreeing with Tina) in another thread that you posted,
but I'll be disinclined to respond to your messages in the future.

If you're coming to the newsgroups expecting nothing but praise and
pats on the back for your clever design... well, that's not what the
volunteers are here to do; we're here to correct people's mistakes.

Good luck with your application; I hope the references Tina suggested
are helpful.

John W. Vinson [MVP]


thanks, John. i don't get too exercised over a 15-year-old mentality,
though; i had a brief chuckle over that last post, and then just added Rick
to my blocked senders list - where he's in good company with one or two
others who bite the hand that's trying to feed them. <g>

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