auto populate


The Iconoclast

Could anyone please help me?
I have four tables, say A, B, C, and D. Table A contains a list of room
schedules (room_id, time, capacity, room_type, etc.); Table B contains a
list of courses (subject_id, time, capacity, subj_type, etc.); Tables C and
D have similar structures they are to contain the permutated combinations of
tables A and B.

What I need to do is to automatically populate tables C and D with the data
from table A, next is to randomize the data from table B then assign it to
C, randomize B once more then assign to D. Upon seeing which has a higher
efficiency (depending on the predetermined criterion) the contents of either
C or D whichever has the lower efficiency would be deleted.

How can i do this programmatically. Please help me. Thank you in advance.

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