Auto Positioning the Cursor before Executing Code



Hi There!
I've gleaned some code that copies 2 rows and inserts them below the
2nd row (2 rows below the active). However, this only works right if
a user has clicked on an appropriate row. If a user has clicked
somewhere else, like in the heading section, how can the cursor first
be positioned in column A on the last row with data in columns A and


JW said:
Hi There!
I've gleaned some code that copies 2 rows and inserts them below the
2nd row (2 rows below the active). However, this only works right if
a user has clicked on an appropriate row. If a user has clicked
somewhere else, like in the heading section, how can the cursor first
be positioned in column A on the last row with data in columns A and


As per your information, this will select the last cell in column A
where both column A and column B have data. That being said, if the
last row containing data in column A is 28 and the last row containing
data in column B is 15, the cell A15 will be selected, because you
said the last row where A dna B contain data. Tweak as needed.

Sub selectLast()
Dim aRow As Long, bRow As Long, selRow As Long
aRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
bRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
selRow = WorksheetFunction.Min(aRow, bRow)
Cells(selRow, 1).Select
End Sub


Also, keep in mind that a selection doesn't have to be made to
accomplish this. You just need to identify the last row and proceed
As per your information, this will select the last cell in column A
where both column A and column B have data. That being said, if the
last row containing data in column A is 28 and the last row containing
data in column B is 15, the cell A15 will be selected, because you
said the last row where A dna B contain data. Tweak as needed. This
is assuming that you already have something placed on your clipboard.

Sub withoutSelectLast()
Dim aRow As Long, bRow As Long, selRow As Long
aRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
bRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
selRow = WorksheetFunction.Min(aRow, bRow)
Cells(selRow, 1).Offset(2, 0).Insert Shift:=xlDown
End Sub


Oops--one more thing. This needs to be restricted to row 14 or
above. Meaning, if a user has clicked somewhere above row 14, then do
your code. If the user has clicked on row 15 or below, then don't do
your code.

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