Auto Profile Create - LDAP Server name?


Scott Townsend

Trying to install Office Standard 2007 on a Win2003 Terminal Server

So I went through the Office Customization Tool and set it up to create a
new profile, then configure an Exchange Server Connection.
Entered in %UserName% and the name of the Exchange Server.

Installed on our Terminal Server, logged in and Ran Outlook.

It tried to create the Profile and failed. The name of the Exchange server
was the entire LDAP path name for the server. When I replaced it with just
the name of the server it continued just fine.

What gives?


Leon Hao [MSFT]

Hi Scott,

If I understood properly, your issue is: if you use LDAP path name to
configure the exchange name in OCT, it failed to create the profile.

Is that correct?

As far as I know, in OCT settings you cannot use LDAP path to configure the
exchange server name.

This setting - Exchange Server - Enter the name of an Exchange server that
is likely to be available when users start Outlook. When a user starts
Outlook for the first time, Outlook replaces this value with the user's
correct Exchange server. Provide only a literal server name in this text
box; for example, Exch-2-Srvr. Do not include backslashes (\\) or similar

Here is an article for your reference:

Office Customization Tool in the 2007 Office system

So I'm afraid this is by design. If anything is unclear, please let me know.


Leon Hao

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Scott Townsend

It added the LDAP name there on its own.

Though I think by reading another post here I was able to clear up the
issue. Putting the MSP files in the Upgrade folder like som of the OCT docs
say to is not entirly correct. It only uses the MSP file with the latest
date or something like that. I had a few other MSP files in there for Visio
and Sharepoint Designer. It must have been sing one of those instead and
getting the LDAP server name from the AD profile of the user.

I removes the MSP files from the Upgrade folder and create batch files to
call setup with the correct /adminfile paramater.


Leon Hao [MSFT]

Hi Scott,

Thanks for sharing me with the detailed information.

Glad to hear you have found the root cause. If you need further assistance,
please let me know.

Have a nice weekend!


Leon Hao

Microsoft Online Partner Support
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