Thanks Chrissy........that makes sense to me, I think you have a pretty good
grasp of what I am wanting to do, even beyond my poor explanation. I am the
curator of about 1100 AutoCAD drawings and numerous Excel files, and I want
to be able to make Global changes to these files at will. One thing for
example, I have an Excel sheet inserted into each AutoCAD drawing that
assigns a lot number to each Batch-print job ordered from my Batch-print
Excel utility. This number is thereby printed out on each drawing as it's
plotted. That works fine, but I would like to be able to change the path
and filename reference to this inserted Excel sheet in all of the Autocad
files, or as you suggest, select ones, by running this
"Master-macro".......and other changes like that
I thought the insertion of Autorun-ONCE macros would be the more efficient
way to accomplish things because each file would not have to be open so
long..........and, the insertion need not be functional until the file is
next opened..........."but" it would be disasterous if I "thought" the file
had been fixed and in fact it wasn't, so I guess maybe your way would be
better after all.
Another question, can this master macro open all these files and yet when it
encounters one that is already open it will NOT stop, but will continue on
opening the ones it can and then report back a list of the ones it could not
open......(I could have a code number inserted in each file that could be
read when it's open).......
Thanks for your time and information........ I know it will surely be a
project, and I'm just trying to see if you learned ones think it's a sort of
doable thing before I get too deep into it.......and from what you've told
me so far, it looks like it will all work out........thanks again
Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3