Kelly said:
Does anyone know if an auto save feature is available in
Excel for MAC OS X??????? My boss keeps losing his work
but it's really a much longer story than that, lol.
XLv.X doesn't have auto save. It has an autorecover feature
(Preferences/Save) which will automatically save a temp file to aid
in recovery after a crash.
However, you can set any workbook to automatically backup: in the
File/Save-As dialog, click Options, then check the Always create
backup checkbox.
If you or your boss would like all new workbooks to automatically
create a backup when saving saving, create a new workbook, format it
the way you want, including # of sheets, any styles, fonts, number
formats, etc., then save it *as a template* (choose Template in the
Save As dialog) with the name "Workbook" (no quotes, no extensions)
in the Microsoft Office X:Office:Startup:Excel folder. Be sure to
check the Always create backup checkbox. That file will then be used
as the template for future workbooks, and they will all have that
preference saved. (You can do the same thing for inserted worksheets
by saving a single sheet template named "Sheet" in the
....:Startup:Excel folder).
Finally, teach your boss the most valuable habit I've picked up in
nearly 20 years of using XL: Whenever I stop to think, I type CMD-S
- my fingers now do it automatically. I save a lot...