Auto Saving "versions" of the master document


Ken S

However, if you put the doc into "Track Versions" mode
(via the menu FILE/VERSIONS and check the
box "Automatically save a Version on close")then when
someone else opens/edits the master doc when it isn't
locked, then all changes he/she makes (their name and the
last save date/time)are captured automatically (and the
prior text is also saved invisibly so that the old version
can be reconstructed if desired) when the doc is closed
after done editing.

Also....anyone can manually save a particular "version" of
the edited file by using the SAVE NOW button on the menu
FILE/VERSIONS popup, at which time a comment window will
allow a comment to be posted along with this special
version of the file.

If the "versions" selection is grayed out, select the
latest type of WORD document for saving, older flavors of
WORD don't know how to do versioning.

I've found this great to use, since no one has to try to
find the latest version of a document or remember to
rename the file using the menu FILE/SAVE AS before
changing it (the filename always remains the same, only
the file date/time and author can change for each version)
to keep all old versions of the document.

Also a good thing is that the entire file isn't saved over
and over, wasting disk space. Only the differences are
captured and this stuff is saved invisibly in the master

Ken S

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