Auto slide transition after an animation sequence?


Stumped in TN

Hello, is there any way to automatically transition to the next slide after
an animation sequence is complete without using a mouse click or a timed
slide transition? e.g. an object appears, grow largers and moves right and
then an auto transition to the next slide occurs so you can see the object
clearer (since it gets blurry with the enlargment). Yes, I know I can just
have the object dissappear after the enlargemnt and have a clearer enlarged
object appear, but I want to do more animations on the next slide and I don't
desire too many animations on one slide.

Stumped in TN

It quasi works. I still have to move the mouse over it to make the
transition. If I am moving the mouse, I might as well be clicking. It still
isn't automatic. Thanks though.

Stumped in TN

Thank you, but the I'd have to give up my 1st born male child to get our IR
department to allow me to get unapproved software. If perchance a miracle
were to occur, does this software have to be loaded on every machine the pppt
will be shown on, or just the machiine used to create it?

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