Jen G.
I am linking monthly report sheets to an annual report sheet within a
workbook and wish to sort the annual report by 2 seperate colummns. For
example, there are 3 columns total: date, name and amount. These 3 columns
are on both the monthly and annual sheets. I have set up the workbook to link
the data from the monthly sheets to the annual sheet, so the information
doesn't have to be input twice or copied. I would like excel to then sort the
anual report sheet first by name and then by date. Is there a way to automate
this or to have a single-click action to sort the data by name and then date?
workbook and wish to sort the annual report by 2 seperate colummns. For
example, there are 3 columns total: date, name and amount. These 3 columns
are on both the monthly and annual sheets. I have set up the workbook to link
the data from the monthly sheets to the annual sheet, so the information
doesn't have to be input twice or copied. I would like excel to then sort the
anual report sheet first by name and then by date. Is there a way to automate
this or to have a single-click action to sort the data by name and then date?