Auto starting Mpeg not working



I have a link on my page to my video. When selected, Windows Media Player
opens and begins loading the video. I want it to start playing automatically
as a streaming video, but it does not. As a matter of fact, though I can see
it loading, I cannot select the play button either.

Paul T.

you might want to add an active-x control on your page instead of having the
client downloading then playing. this is the easiest way to stream a video or

Click insert
-web component
-when comes up click advanced controles in the component type box (very
-then active x control
-click customize then check windows media player and click ok
-choose the windows media player and click finish
-then after it is there right click on it and select active-x properities
-then the source type the link in **(do not click browse and select the
video - it does not work)**
-when done select other options and click ok
-when published it will stream


This worked great locally. It worked great in preview mode of FrontPage
2003. However, when I published the page, it did not work.

I think that part of my problem is that I want this to work on all machines
with all browsers. I want it to work on Macs as well as Windows. I don't
want my viewers to have to deal with the possibility of blocked ActiveX

By the way, due to the potentially enormous size and bandwidth restrictions,
I'm using MPEG-1. Even at that, the movie file is about 186 Mb. I tried
MPEG-2 and MPEG-4, but these doubled or tripled the file size, and the file
won't download fast enough to keep up with the playing of the video.

When I first tried this project, it worked OK. Since the video had 14
seconds of blank space at the beginning, I cleverly decided to cut that
portion so viewers won't have to wait too long for the first active frame.
After removing that black beginning portion, it will no longer start

Sounds like I've screwed up an OK situation.

Any ideas to address all this stuff?

Paul T.

Well i guess the only thing that you could do is in your video editing
program; make the dimensions and frames per second smaller and try again. If
all fails you should get a video convertor like Roxio V9 or something else.

P.S. If you convert to M4V (Mpeg 4) it will be massively smaller!!! - But
will need to be read in Quicktime or iTunes.

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