Auto Suggest Name


Robert Cohen

Hi All,
Okay, I have a relately stupid question. I have Office XP and WXP. When I use Outlook for e-mail and start typing a name in the to/cc/bcc box, it auto suggest names. I like that a lot. The problem is there a way to filter the list or something. I like being able to use it but I find I e-mail someone once and their name gets included on the list and it is annoying. Case in point. I have a coworker Susan Brown. So when I type su the name comes up and I hit enter. Now I once e-mailed someone named Susan Brolin (fake name to protect the innocent). But now I got to type susan brow before her name comes up to get rid of the other susan. All I want is to be able to find the list of names it uses and delete the ones who I will never e-mail again. Is that possible.

Robert Cohen

very cool and very easy. Thank you.

Sorry, I am no longer including my e-mail address as I am getting to much
spam. I really have no desire to enlarge "it" by three inches, that is even
if I get e-mailed 10 times a day from different e-mail addresses so I can't
block it.
Besides I finally came to believe what others have said, if you have a
question, you should ask the group as others might benefit from it. Anyone
on the group who I converse with off topic or on the side, can easily find
my e-mail address.

"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]"

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