Auto text not showing up



I have a user using Word 2000 and all of a sudden she says that this week her
auto text entries aren't showing up when she types. All of her entries are
there and I double checked. They definitely don't show up as you type.

She said 3 months ago Acrobat 7.0 was installed and I know that it has
caused other problems in Word. Could Acrobat cause an auto text problem?

I am also wondering if the has been messed with. Could that also
be a problem?

Charles Kenyon

Acrobat 7 does cause problems, but it doesn't make AutoText that was there
last week disappear. Chances are that was overwritten.
Charles Kenyon

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The auto text entries are still there, but when the user types the "tool tip"
won't pop-up.

Jay Freedman

MR said:
I have a user using Word 2000 and all of a sudden she says that this
week her auto text entries aren't showing up when she types. All of
her entries are there and I double checked. They definitely don't
show up as you type.

She said 3 months ago Acrobat 7.0 was installed and I know that it has
caused other problems in Word. Could Acrobat cause an auto text

I am also wondering if the has been messed with. Could
that also be a problem?

Exactly what do you mean by "aren't showing up"? Is it just that the prompts
(which Word calls AutoComplete suggestions) don't appear? If so, make sure
(a) the checkbox at the top of the AutoText dialog is checked and (b) the
names of the entries are at least 4 characters long and unique within the
first word.

What happens if you type the name of the AutoText entry and press F3? That
should enter the AutoText in the document, regardless of whether the
AutoComplete appeared.

Note that AutoText does *not* do automatic replacement. That's a separate
feature, AutoCorrect. For more on the feature, see

If new AutoText entries aren't being saved, so they "disappear" the next
time you open Word, that points to not being saved. That is
indeed a side effect of the Acrobat 7.0 add-in -- see the end of But the
difference in timing, 3 months vs. 1 week, indicates that these might be two
separate problems.

Stefan Blom

On the Tools menu, click AutoCorrect. Click the AutoText tab. Check the
option to "Show AutoComplete tip for AutoText and date", and then click

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