Auto Text Quit working


Free Agent99

One of our employees says her auto text stopped working. She normally can
type a few letters and get the paragraph or name to popup and she accepts it
and goes on. Suddenly it just stopped working. The autotext is still there
but she has to pop up all the autotext and browse down and select what she
knows she wants. How can she get the functionality back. She is using Word
over the TermServer Connection. Others do not have this problem.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Assuming this is not Word 2007 (from which the AutoComplete function has
been removed, though F3 still works), make sure that "Use AutoComplete
suggestions" is checked in the AutoText dialog.

Free Agent99


Thanks, I have "Show AutoComplete Tip for Auto Text and Dates" is checked on
the Auto Complete Dialog that comes up when I click Insert then AutoText. Is
that what you mean?
Also, I just found out that when they use Outlook, the Auto Text works
normally. Does this mean anything?


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