Auto Text



I am unable to get auto-text to work properly. I highlight the paragraph,
click on TOOLS, auto-text, fill in an abbreviation and SAVE. I go out, come
back into another WORD DOCUMENT, shortcut does not exist. Suggestions?

ALSO, WINWORD.EXE continuously takes over, locking down everything on my
computer; my request for TaskMgr can take up to 2 minutes to finally open,
it shows this at 99%, sometimes I have to END TASK and lose my work, just to
regain control of my laptop. Suggestions?

Terry Farrell

Two possibilities here. Firstly, by default, unless you specify otherwise,
AutoText is saved in If you are using a document based on a
different template, that Autotext will be saved in a different template and
thus only available to documents attached to that template.

Secondly, it may be that you have installed one of the nasty add-ins that
stops from being saved when you exit Word.

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