Auto Text



I'm not sure that this is the place to ask this question
but nothing else matches.
My Medical Records department uses Word 2000 for
transcription. They often have "canned" text that needs
to be typed over and over again in different documents but
the auto text and/or auto correct in Word 2000 does not
allow for paragraphs of text (some of these canned
comments are quite long). Does anyone know of an easy way
to deal with this type of problem other than copying and
pasting from a separate document? There are about 70
different paragraphs and hunting for a particular
paragraph takes too much time. The would like to type
something like X1, hit the spacebar and have the correct
paragraph appear. This worked wonderfully in Word 97 but
doesn't work in 2000. Any ideas?

Charles Kenyon

Both AutoText and AutoCorrect work fine with paragraphs (or multiple pages).
What, specifically, is the problem you are having?

Note that AutoText entries which include a paragraph mark will also carry
formatting information including styles.
Charles Kenyon

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This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies
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from my ignorance and your wisdom.

Graham Mayor

There is no reason why Word 2000's autotext cannot cope with this - unless
the IT nazis have locked against editing. If this is the case
complain to management as it must be costing a fortune in lost productivity.
This is not the way should be used.
If you have already had the entries set up in Word 97, copy the
file that contains the entries to the current installation.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>


The is not locked. However, Auto Correct is
handled differently in Word 2000 than it was in 97 (I
don't believe they're stored in anymore). I
moved the auto correct entries from Word 97 to Word 2000
as explained by Microsoft but the longer entries (more
than 2 or 3 lines) created error messages. When staff
attempted to add new multi-line paragraphs it hasn't
worked. Thanks for the input though.


It would take some of the smaller paragraphs but when
attempting to add a longer paragraph or multiple
paragraphs, a message would appear saying their was not
enough space to store the entry.

Dayo Mitchell

I believe you will find a way to handle the export problem at this link:

To save and exchange AutoCorrect across computers or re-installations:

You might want to give more detail about how your staff was creating
multi-line entries and what didn't work about adding it, and whether you are
talking about AutoText or AutoCorrect, which serve similar functions but do
not work the same way. (sounds like AutoText is probably better for your
use) Then someone will probably be able to help you fix that problem as


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