Auto transfer data from 1 sheet to another within same workbook



Ok, I have a project I am stumped on. In the current workbook I have sheet 1.
Colums A-L, and 443 rows of data (order form). Colum K is my QTY.
What I am looking to do is if any time a value 1 or greater is entered into
Column K, the it will transfer ALL DATA Columns A-L of that row onto the next
sheet, in an order of rows 1 through whatever it takes.
If I put a value on K 1,7,150,300,350...I would like the entire row to then
be duplicated into sheet 2 Cloums A-l rows 1,2,3,4,5.
I know there is a way to do this, I just have NO clue how to get it done?
Excel 2003...
Any suggestions?


One play which delivers it here ..

Assume source data in sheet: x, cols A to L,
data from row2 down, with the key col = col K (qty)

In another sheet,

Put in A2:
Leave A1 blank.

Put in B2:
Copy B2 across to M2. Select A2:M2, copy down to cover the max expected
extent of data in x, eg down to row500? Hide away col A. Cols B to M will
return the results that you seek from x's cols A to L, with all lines neatly
bunched at the top.

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