Auto-update formula to include new cells?


Ed Henninger


I would like to set up my excel spreadheets so they will automatically
update the sum when I include new cells. I'm sure Excel provides a method to
do this but I have not been able to find reference to it in help files.

Thanks to all for your help on this.


JE McGimpsey

Ed Henninger said:

I would like to set up my excel spreadheets so they will automatically
update the sum when I include new cells. I'm sure Excel provides a method to
do this but I have not been able to find reference to it in help files.

The most efficient method depends a bit on the layout of your data.

If, for instance, the numbers to be summed are all in one column,


will do.

Other options depend on what you really mean by "include new cells". How
is XL to know what you intend to include?

Another option, would be create a named range. Say, for instance, your
numbers start in B10 and proceed down, and that you don't want to
include anything in B1:B9. You could define a name (Insert/Name/Define):

Names in workbook: myrange

Refers to: =OFFSET(Sheet1!$B$10,,,COUNTA(Sheet1!$B$10:$B$10000),1)

You can then use =SUM(myrange), and number you add to the bottom of the
list will be included.

If that's not what you're looking for, post back with more explanation.

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