You could either create numbered versions e.g.
or you could use docvariable fields to store the modification date and
version number. Funnily enough I have just updated my web page on that topic
to demonstrate how that could be done (for the date/time at least). Adding a
version number is simply a matter of incrementing a value stored in a doc
variable each time the document is saved. e.g.
On Error Resume Next
If ActiveDocument.Variables("varVersionNumber").Value = "" Then
ActiveDocument.Variables("varVersionNumber").Value = "1"
ActiveDocument.Variables("varVersionNumber").Value = _
ActiveDocument.Variables("varVersionNumber").Value + 1
End If
Add the code to the two save macros shown at the end of
and add a docvariable field {DocVariable varVersionNumber} to the document.
The macros on my web page do not update the headers.
You would need to include the example code from to update the header/footer
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Graham Mayor - Word MVP
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