auto update query help


He cries for help

I have a database with two tables named "posnow" (main design table) and
supplier table(data sheet).
There is four fields named the same within each table: supplier, contact,
telephone and fax.

I want to add these fields on my main form "posnow" and have the auto update
query update the four boxes. Would you use a combo and three text boxes or

I also need someone to give me a very definitive explanation on how to
actually create the query and what to do with the form afterwards. I have
spent a enormous amount of time on this problem and this is my last headache
for this database. Thanks from a amatuer at database design...

Jerry Whittle

You should not have the same data in two different tables. Seems to me that
the four fields belong in the supplier table. The supplier table should also
have a primary key field something like a SupplierNumber field that is just a
number or autonumber. Then the posnow would just need one field that contains
the appropriate supplier number data. Then you can link the two tables
together as needed to see the supplier fax number for example.

I highly recommend getting some relational database training or reading
"Database Design for Mere Mortals" by Hernandez before proceeding any further
on this database.

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