Auto Updateing a Number as Text field


Ron Corbin

I have a table (Device ID) that lists details about items and has a unique
number assigned to each record so that a Bar Code can be printed. I have the
printig set up ok but I am having a problem with the Unique numbering. As I
want the numbers to be unique and prefixed with a character (D for Device) it
is a text field that is indexed to not allow duplicites.

How can I get the field to automaticly incriment by 1 when a new device is
added? I know it would be triggered from an event on the data entry form. I
think I have it figured out except for how to get the value from the prior
record to be able to add 1 to it.

I have limited programing skills so please be kind:)

Bob Bonta

1. run a query which selects the TOP value in that field -- parse off the
first character
2. increment that return by one
3. concatenate the return with the parsed character and write that back to
the appropriate field when adding the record.

Ron Corbin

But how do I do that?

Bob Bonta said:
1. run a query which selects the TOP value in that field -- parse off the
first character
2. increment that return by one
3. concatenate the return with the parsed character and write that back to
the appropriate field when adding the record.

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