Auto WBS numbering "skips" linked-to tasks


Martin Wilkinson

I've noticed using MSP2000 that when I have links to external projects, Auto
WBS numbering "skips" a number. So I would get:

WBS Task name
1.2 A
1.3 B
x.y Link to task in external project, with the WBS from that project
(not 1.4)
1.5 C

so task C is numbered as 1.5 rather than 1.4 which is logical and what I

Does anyone know why this is or how to get round it? The only way I can
think is to remove all links, redo the WBS numbering, then re-apply the
links. This is impractical in the size of project I'm using.

Thanks in advance for an ideas.




You will need to go into each external project plan and manually set the WBS
code (either via menu Project | WBS | Define Code... or directly in the WBS

Hope this helps! :)

Martin Wilkinson

Thanks for your suggestion. Perhaps I didn't make it clear that I don't
actually want the "external" task to be numbered in line with the rest of the
tasks. So if I have projects A and B, each with 3 tasks, and each having been
auto numbered, I will have:

Project A:
WBS Description
A.1 Task A1
A.2 Task A2
A.3 Task A3

Project B:
B.1 Task B1
B.2 Task B2
B.3 Task B3

If I create a link (F-S) from Task A2 to B2 (without renumbering) I get in
Project A:

Project A:
WBS Description
A.1 Task A1
A.2 Task A2
(B.2 Task B2 GHOST TASK)
A.3 Task A3

This is what I want. However, if I auto renumber WBS in project A, it turns

Project A:
WBS Description
A.1 Task A1
A.2 Task A2
(<blank> Task B2 GHOST TASK)
A.4 Task A3

I DON'T want Task A3 to be numbered A.4. I want it numbered A.3, because it
is still the third task in Project A. The fact that the previous task (A2)
drives an external link should not affect the numbering of Task A3.

Or am I wrong?!

Any help appreciated




The only way I see this working is if you move the ghost task (i.e., drag it
just like any other task) down out of the sequence of tasks and then renumber
the WBS in A as follows:

Project A:
WBS Description
A.1 Task A1
A.2 Task A2
A.3 Task A3

(<blank> Task B2 GHOST TASK)

Unfortunately, the Gantt suffers from this rerouting, though.

Hope this helps! :)

Martin Wilkinson

That seems to work. As you say, bit of a pain to do, as I have quite a few
links in my schedule.

I guess it's something I'm going to have to live with, but at least I have
your suggestion as a fallback position!


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