Auto_Open equivalent in Access for specifying .SetDefaultWokgroupf



I will have two unique databases on my network. One will have a group .MDW
file for user rights and the other DB is not secured.

I am trying to specifing the "Application.SetDefaultWorkgroupFile" with VB
code on startup of the secured DB to ensure the user is properly joined to
the group MDW file.
I would also like to restore back to the default group when the secure DB is

But, I don't see any code equivalent of the Auto_Open or Auto_Close
functions like Excel has.

I figure it could be done with Onload/Unload for a form but that doesn't
seem fool proof.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Joan Wild

The usual method is to leave the users joined by default to the standard
system.mdw that ships with Access. They'll use this for all unsecured

Give each user a desktop shortcut for the secured mdb. The target of the
shortcut would have the following in it:

"path to msaccess" "path to secure mdb" /wrkgrp "path to secure mdw"

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