I would like a macro that logs the username and date/time the file was opened
and sends it to a txt file that is on my C: drive. I can get it to work for
myself, but if another user opens the file, it doesn't log it. Is there a
way to run the macro as soon as the other user opens the file? I thought I
had it down pat because it works for myself, but discovered it was wrong when
a coworker opened and closed the file for me.
Here is the code I have so far:
Sub Aut
LogInformation ThisWorkbook.Name & " opened by " & _
Application.UserName & " " & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") & " " & _
Format(Time, "hh:mm")
End Sub
Sub LogInformation(LogMessage As String)
Const LogFileName As String = "C:\Data\MyLog.txt"
Dim FileNum As Integer
FileNum = FreeFile
' next file number
Open LogFileName For Append As #FileNum
' creates the file if it doesn't exist
Print #FileNum, LogMessage
' write information at the end of the text file
Close #FileNum ' close the file
End Sub
Thank you in advance for your assistance!
and sends it to a txt file that is on my C: drive. I can get it to work for
myself, but if another user opens the file, it doesn't log it. Is there a
way to run the macro as soon as the other user opens the file? I thought I
had it down pat because it works for myself, but discovered it was wrong when
a coworker opened and closed the file for me.
Here is the code I have so far:
Sub Aut
LogInformation ThisWorkbook.Name & " opened by " & _
Application.UserName & " " & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") & " " & _
Format(Time, "hh:mm")
End Sub
Sub LogInformation(LogMessage As String)
Const LogFileName As String = "C:\Data\MyLog.txt"
Dim FileNum As Integer
FileNum = FreeFile
' next file number
Open LogFileName For Append As #FileNum
' creates the file if it doesn't exist
Print #FileNum, LogMessage
' write information at the end of the text file
Close #FileNum ' close the file
End Sub
Thank you in advance for your assistance!