Steve said:
I set the autoarchive property for the Junk E-mail folder to
delete the items after 1 day. When I look in there, though, I see
stuff from
more than 1 day. I reran the archive and it looks like it skips the
E-mail folder.
Does auto-archive not work on the Junk e-mail folder?
Using auto-archive requires *2* setups. You must enable the global
option under Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Auto-Archive. That turns
on auto-archiving. If you don't turn this on, the auto-archiving
attribute on each folder is meaningless, much like not flipping on the
mains and expecting your wall switch to still turn on the lights. The
second part is to enable auto-archiving for the folder. If you don't
enable the auto-archive attribute of a folder, it won't get archived,
much like turning on the mains will not force all the wall switches into
the on position.
Another caveat is the time intervals you set for auto-archiving. Say
you set the global archiving option to run every 15 days. You set the
folder's archiving to run every day. Well, the global option won't run
the auto-archive function until 15 days have elapsed. When it does run,
it will check the interval set within the folder. You need to set the
global archiving interval to be equal to or smaller than the shortest
auto-archive interval you configure for any of your folders if you don't
want any delays in archiving.
Global archive = 15 days
Local archive = 3 days
Archiving runs ever 15 days (not every 3 days).
Global archive = 3 days
Local archive = 3 days
Now they match so local occurs every 3 days.
Global archive = 5 days
Local archive = 10 days
Archiving runs every 5 days but some local items may not yet qualify for
You need to set the global archiving interval to the shortest interval
specified for any folder where archiving is enabled - if you want
archiving to occur at the local archiving rate. Otherwise, if the
global archive interval is longer, it merely archives any candidate
items within a folder and obeys that setting.