Autocheck not working in a Word 2000 Template


Geoffrey Turner

We have a MS Word Template and when entering text in a free format box the
auto check returns truncated words. For example if you enter couldnt and
press enter you see coul only. However if you enter couldn't and press enter
it shows the correct word. Another is didnt where it shows didn and if you
enter didn't the entry is ok.

I have sent the template to a desktop that has Word 2007 and it works ok on
that machine. I have tried bringing it up on the Word 2007 machine and then
saving as a 97 - 2003 word template and emailing it back to the original
machine, but it still goes wrong. I have checked the table in auto check and
it should convert the mispelled words but does not.

We intend to migrate to 2007 in about 3 months time, but as we have around
13,000 users we cannot do this until testing has completed.

Any suggestions welcome.

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