Autocomplete Day/Dates or Not?



After installing Office 2007 Enterprise at school on Windows XP Pro and
finding that Autocomplete of Days/Dates did not work, I accepted that. I let
the Professors know that Autocomplete of days/dates only works in Draft
view. But, installing either Office 2007 Professional Plus or Ultimate at
home, allowed Autocomplete of Day/Dates to work in Print Layout view. What
is going on???

I then starting playing with the Office 2007 Enterprise install at school on
one comptuer. Uninstalling and reinstalling different Office 2007 components
to get Autocomplete of Day/Dates to work. Viola! I eventually got it working
in Print Layout view. But that was only one computer.

Today, I am employing the same technique of install/uninstall/reinstall to
get Autocomplete to work. No Luck this time. However, it works fine in Draft
view, though. And, Autocomplete of days/dates works in Outlook fine. I did
get Autocomplete of days/dates to work at one time. then poof, it stopped

**Does anyone know why some installs of Office 2007 get Autocomplete of
days/dates to work and other installs cannot. There is some technical detail
i have not found that contols Autocomplete of days/dates. **

Jim :)

Graham Mayor

Run the following macro on PCs where it doesn't display

Sub AComplete()
Application.DisplayAutoCompleteTips = True
End Sub

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Thanks Graham for response.

OK. I wrote the Macro as you suggested. I programmed it in the Normal
Project inside Word's VBA under the Microsof Word Object-This Document. At
least this allows the Macro to be available to any new document. I ran the
Macro in a new document, but nothing changed. Autocomplete of days/dates does
not work--no suggestion tip is shown to complete day or date name.

What do you suggest I can now?

Jim :)

Graham Mayor

The macro needs only be run once!

When you have run it

If you type Mond does that not show the autocomplete tip for Monday?

If that doesn't fix it the only alternative suggestion is to rename the Word
data key in the registry which will force Word to build a new default one.
Change it to (say) OldData


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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Hi Graham,

You have been so helpful with my problem. Unfortunately, I have not had a
success with Autocomplete of day/date in Print Layout mode.

I have used the Macro you gave me and am able to control whether
AutoComplete works in Draft mode, but not in Print Layout mode. I have also
forced Word to create a new registry setting as you prescribed, but also, no

Autocomplete of day/date works in all view modes except Print Layout at
work. At home, Autocomplete works in all modes. There must be some Office07/
Word07/ WindowsXP setting that allows Word to show the Autocomplete day/date
in Print Layout mode at home, but not at work.

Thanks again. I hope something gives us a "clue as to what to do."


BTW: great site site you have for Word tasks.

Graham Mayor

I use Word 2007 on Windows XP and the autocomplete works here in
PrintLayout. The macro I posted is the only way I can think of to turn it
Try setting the option to false (to turn it off) - run the macro, then set
it to true and run it again. It may just kick start the thing to life. If
not I am out of ideas, sorry.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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