Autocomplete nicknames: finding people by nickname



Outlook express used to be able to find people based on intelligent
permutations in the "to:" field, outlook2003 doesn't. Example: Andy Clark,
nickname Ace.
Will Find based on Andy or Clark, but not Ace, if i put "Ace" into nickname
field (details tab. seemingly useless), company, job title, middle name, etc.
Outlook ojnly seems to reference forename & surname fields, meaning you have
to screw with your contacts if you want to have it find people based on
nicknames: annoying.
Any ideas if anyone has an addin to parse nickname field to the autocomplete
nicknames nk2 file for searching? Or an nk2 editor?

Simon Dedman
p.s. any plans to restore useful functionality in future releases? Contacts
/ address book / autocomplete / nicknames seems to be such a tangled mess at
the moment.

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