


Why does my AutoComplete insert the month but not the date ? The "Show
AutoComplete Suggestions" box is checked in my AutoText. I get the
autocomplete for the months, but typing the space (or even the next character
of the date) doesn't provide the autocomplete for the date any more

Stefan Blom

Beth Melton has given this answer to a similar question:

"The AutoComplete for dates has been a bit flakey for several versions. What
seems to work for me is after I complete the month, press Backspace to
remove the space after the month and press the Spacebar again. Then you
should see the AutoComplete tip for the current date. Another alternative is
to ignore the AutoComplete tip for the month, type it out, and when you
press the spacebar the AutoComplete tip will change and offer to complete
the current date."

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message
news:[email protected]...


That didn't work. I am SO annoyed with MS. They get us used to these
features and then we spend HUNDREDS of dollars updating and this feature no
longer works. thanks for NOTHING, Bill. Another thing that is no longer
working is capitalizing the first letter of each sentence. Sometimes it does
and soemtimes it doesn't. i'm spitting nails, can you tell??????????

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Anna,

You haven't mentioned the version of Word you're using.

In the Windows control panel, regional langauge settings reset the short and long date formats to the ones you want to use then
start Word, set your default date format and see if the autocomplete suggestion works.

For capitalizing see if you have the 'autoformat' tabs turned in (Alt, T, I) to do that.

That didn't work. I am SO annoyed with MS. They get us used to these
features and then we spend HUNDREDS of dollars updating and this feature no
longer works. thanks for NOTHING, Bill. Another thing that is no longer
working is capitalizing the first letter of each sentence. Sometimes it does
and soemtimes it doesn't. i'm spitting nails, can you tell??????????
anna >>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

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